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Our Vision

Equipping people to shape the learning environment within their organisation.

Our Mission

We designed democratic, flexible, simple learning tools with the aim to design for more engaged learning so that those who learn, remember; those who deliver learnings, can create a space to afford this individual agency in the learning process.

Our tools can fit into any existing learning delivery model and enhance the engagement with the learning, so learnings can stick in the organisation, which helps teams to grow and adapt to changing needs.


Who are we?

Hi, we are Sharon and Sharanya. We are Service Design MA students at the Royal College of Art.

We are passionate to support organisations to make positive impacts and evolve with changing needs.

As we see the importance of designing IN in order to better design OUT, we look into the organisation structure to make learnings happen. We acknowledge that it is individuals who constitute teams that make an organisation, and everyone has the power to shape the organisation they want to be in.


After 6-month research and design, with 200+ conversations, we've built our service - SEED.   

The work is not done, we have just begun. We believe that we can make enormous changes with your involvement. Together, we want to plant the SEEDs for learning in the organisation.

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